Package-level declarations


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data class BottomInputChatFlow(    @ColorRes var backgroundColor: Int = R.color.ecc_input_background,     @DrawableRes var attachmentUnSelectedIcon: Int = R.drawable.ecc_ic_panorama_fish_eye_white_36dp,     @DrawableRes var attachmentSelectedIcon: Int = R.drawable.ecc_ic_circle_done_36dp,     var fileButton: TextImageStyle? = null,     var galleryButton: TextImageStyle? = null,     var cameraButton: TextImageStyle? = null,     var sendButton: TextImageStyle? = null,     var attachmentQuote: ImagesChatStyle? = null) : Serializable

Стиль верхнего уровня, определяющий вид поля и кнопок ввода

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data class ChatFlow(    var navigationBar: NavigationBarStyle,     @ColorRes var backgroundColor: Int,     @ColorRes var highlightingColor: Int,     @ColorRes var iconsTintColor: Int,     @ColorRes var disabledColor: Int,     @ColorRes var separatorsColor: Int,     @ColorRes var emptyStateBackgroundColor: Int,     @ColorRes var unreadMsgStickerColor: Int,     @ArrayRes var swipeRefreshColors: Int,     @ColorRes var microphoneColor: Int,     var welcomeScreenStyle: WelcomeScreenStyle,     var dateText: ChatDateTextStyle,     var typing: TextMessageStyle,     var unreadMessagesCount: TextMessageStyle,     var chip: TextMessageStyle,     var buttonSurveyButton: TextMessageStyle,     var buttonSurveyQuestion: TextMessageStyle,     var loader: LoaderChatStyle,     var incomeMessages: MessagesConfig,     var outcomeMessages: MessagesConfig,     var errorMessages: MessagesConfig,     var settingsNotLoadedToastErrorText: BalloonsChatStyle,     var attachmentSettingsNotLoadedToastErrorText: BalloonsChatStyle,     var libraryNotInitializedToastErrorText: BalloonsChatStyle,     var systemMessages: SystemMessagesConfig,     var inputView: InputViewStyle,     var quoteView: QuoteViewStyle,     var quickReplies: QuickRepliesStyle,     var surveyStyle: SurveyStyle? = null,     var permissionDescriptionPopupStyle: PermissionDescriptionPopupStyle? = null,     var retryChatInitButton: TextButtonChatStyle,     var errorScreenMessage: TextMessageStyle,     var errorScreenImage: ImagesChatStyle,     var scrollDownButton: ImagesChatStyle,     var bigPushes: PushesChatStyle,     var smallPushes: PushesChatStyle,     var quotePlayPauseButton: ImagesChatStyle,     var quotePlayPausePlayingStateButton: ImagesChatStyle,     var fonts: ChatTypography) : Serializable

Стиль верхнего уровня, определяющий вид окна чата

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data class ChatFlows(val components: ChatComponents) : Serializable

Корневой элемент для стилей верхнего уровня

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data class FilesFlow(    var backgroundColor: Int,     var navigationBar: NavigationBarStyle,     var emptyMediaAndFilesHeaderText: TextMessageStyle,     var emptyMediaAndFilesDescriptionText: TextMessageStyle,     var filesAndMediaTitleText: TextMessageStyle,     var filesAndMediaSizeText: TextMessageStyle,     var filesAndMediaTimestampText: TextMessageStyle,     var filesDateStamp: ChatDateTextStyle,     var filesAndMediaIconImage: ImagesChatStyle? = null) : Serializable

Стиль верхнего уровня, определяющий вид окна файлов

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data class GalleryFlow(    var navigationBarStyle: NavigationBarStyle,     var screenAuthor: TextMessageStyle,     var screenDate: TextMessageStyle,     var imageScreenBackgroundColor: Int,     var permissionDescriptionPopupStyle: PermissionDescriptionPopupStyle) : Serializable

Стиль верхнего уровня, определяющий вид галереи

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data class ImageFlow(    @DrawableRes var imagePlaceholderResId: Int? = null,     var consultMessageAvatarImage: ImagesChatStyle? = null,     var chatOutgoingImage: ImagesChatStyle? = null,     var chatIncomingImage: ImagesChatStyle? = null) : Serializable

Стиль верхнего уровня. Описывает внешний вид для изображений.

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data class PopupsFlow(var alertsTitleText: TextMessageStyle, var alertsRegularText: TextMessageStyle, var menuItem: SpannableTextStyle)

Стиль верхнего уровня, определяющий вид окна всплывающего сообщения

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data class SearchFlow(    var searchBar: SearchChatComponent,     @ColorRes var backgroundColor: Int? = null,     var searchButton: IconButtonChatStyle? = null,     var loaderStyle: LoadingIndicatorChatStyle? = null,     var clearInputBtn: IconButtonChatStyle? = null) : Serializable

Стиль верхнего уровня, определяющий вид поиска